Winter Roundup: not much UK snow but lots happening away from home!
We thought we were in for a good season. Alan and Jon started out on 29 November with a grand day touring on Nordic skis onto the summit of Bolt's Law above Weardale. Just after Storm Arwen, the snow was holding nicely in the gullies and pathways between drifts of heather. We even had some sunshine. But later that day, it rapidly warmed up and the snow vanished. Thereafter we watched and waited for news of snow conditions at Weardale and Yad Moss. Both of the ski clubs opened on just a few days and did not seem to offer promising skiing. Despite that, two club members managed a massive 14 days of UK skiing, shared between Weardale and Scotland. Congratulations Kevin and Kimberley! Nov 2021 - Alan and Jon…